

Fellowship program descriptions and brand guidelines.

Azavea manages two fellowship programs for 12 weeks each summer. Communicating the nuances of each program is important so that we can effectively recruit strong candidates, mentors, nonprofit partners, and sponsors.

Azavea Open Source Fellowship

Always capitalize the first letter of each word in “Azavea Open Source Fellowship”. It should never be written in upper camel case. View the Azavea Open Source Fellowship website for more information about the program.

Elevator pitch

This is a generalized description of the Azavea Open Source Fellowship program and can stand alone in communications.

The Azavea Open Source Fellowship Program is a 12-week professional training fellowship that matches software engineering fellows with open source projects at Azavea.


The tagline should either be used in combination with the program name or with the elevator pitch. This ensures brand association with the shortened description.

Software engineering and design professional training fellowship that matches fellows with open source projects.

Azavea Summer of Maps

Always write “Azavea Summer of Maps” in title case. View the Azavea Summer of Maps website for more information about the program, including completed project descriptions.

Elevator pitch

This is a generalized description of the Azavea Summer of Maps program and can stand alone in communications.

The Azavea Summer of Maps program is a 12-week fellowship where geospatial data analysis students work alongside experienced mentors to complete projects for nonprofit organizations.


The tagline should either be used in combination with the program name or with the elevator pitch. This ensures brand association with the shortened description.

Fellowship program for students and mapping service for nonprofits focused on completing challenging, high impact projects.